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Edcel Lagman says Duterte administration cause damage more than Ondoy, Yolanda and Ompong

Albay’s first district Representative Edcel Lagman slammed the Duterte administration in the middle of the Typhoon Ompong’s onslaught in Luzon, saying that the current President caused more damage than the natural calamities struck the Philippines.

In his statement, Lagman said that Duterte’s policies “could be worse than the combined disasters caused by Ondoy, Yolanda, Ompong and other typhoons and calamities,”

“When President Duterte took over the presidency in July 2016, inflation was only 1.3 percent. Now it is a crippling 6.4 percent due in no small measure to culpable government neglect and errant policies,” he said.

He mentioned the economic problems faced by the Duterte government which he believes more damaging than any strongest typhoon that hit the country.

“The traffic gridlock when Duterte became President cost the country P3 billion daily in lost opportunities. Now, with the worsening traffic mess, the daily loss is equivalent to P3.5 billion or P1.3 trillion per year, which is 34 percent of the P3.757-trillion proposed budget for (next year),” he added.

Lagman also pointed out that more Filipinos are now considered themselves as poor compared to the past administration.

The Duterte administration also ruined the judicial system of the Philippines, according to Lagman citing how Atty. Maria Lourdes Sereno was ousted via an “irregular petition for quo warranto”.

“In 2016, the (country) had a fairly respectable and independent judiciary but Duterte has destroyed the judicial system when he inveigled the Supreme Court to oust in an improvident and irregular petition for quo warranto chief justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, whom he publicly urged to be removed for being his enemy,” he said.

Lagman also cited that the Philippines was being considered by Asian region as the leader in terms of human rights protection “but has lost that premier status when Duterte campaigned for the restoration of the death penalty and violated human rights with impunity.”

Lagman is one of the fiercest critics of the Duterte administration.

Meanwhile, netizens didn’t receive Lagman’s politicking in the middle of the natural calamity, saying that as a lawmaker he should also help the victims of the Typhoon.

“Instead of praying and helping the typhoon victims… They use it as an opportunity to Slam the govt… Is this how we want the yellows back?” Joey Ruiz said.

“Cant help but comment..in times like this,pls set aside your political anguish..many people have been greatly affected..mas makakabuti na magtulungan na lng po” Joanna Bonifacio-Luna remarked.

“The damage you and your party mates did to the Philippines is far more destructive then all the typhoons and earthquakes combined. Everytime you open your big mouth’s it is to say some horendous lies.” Carmina Gomez commented.

Father Robert Reyes to soldiers: “Mahiya-hiya naman kayo sa inyong balat. Ginagamit lang kayo ni Duterte!”

Activist Priest Father Robert Reyes believes that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) should be ashamed of themselves for letting them being used by their Commander-in-Chief.

After a mass held by the supporters of Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, who’s still inside the Senate building, Reyes urged the military to avoid being used in politics.

According to him, the military should act according to the truth, justice, the law, and their nationalism and not arrest Sen. Trillanes who’s facing possible detention after President Rodrigo Duterte voided his amnesty.

“Hindi po kayo tuta o alipin ng isang tao. Ang pinaglilingkuran niyo, kami ang taumbayan, hindi isang tao. Magising po kayo, ginagamit kayo, kayo’y ginogoyo,” Reyes said.

“Kayo po’y sundalo ng bayan, hindi kayo private army ng isang tao. Mahiya-hiya naman kayo sa inyong balat. Wake up and go back to your people, to us.

“He should not dictate upon you to betray the Constitution and the Filipino people. Pabayaan niyo na po si Sen. Trillanes.”

Reyes also shared that they’re going to finish a 9-day novena dedicated to Senator Antonio Trillanes.

Reyes who’s also known as the running priest is known for openly supporting the key members of the Liberal Party and opposition.

Another priest who gave the homily at the mass said that the 8-point drop in Duterte’s trust rating should be celebrated by the people.

According to him, the survey showed that people are already realized that they’re supporting the wrong man.

“Nagbabago ang ibang mga tao. We just have to continue on. Let us not fear defeat,” he said.

“Ayaw natin mapabilang na in the view of history na hindi tayo nakipaglaban,” Sarabia added.

Meanwhile, Armed Forces of the Philippines chief-of-staff Gen. Carlito Galvez Jr. reminded his soldier “not to meddle or take part in partisan politics.”

“Violation of these instructions will be dealt with severely and personnel who will get involved will be immediately relieve from their post and investigated,” Galvez said.

He also denied the claims of Sen. Trillanes that there’s already a division between the AFP because of the proclamation of President Duterte.

“Let me belie claims by some quarters of divisiveness or rumblings in the AFP. I assure our people that, as in many times in the past, the AFP will be one and undivided as an organization,” Galvez said.

“While I am aware that the troops have individual views on many issues, those merely hallmark an intelligent and matured organization like the AFP. But we always put the interest of the organization and the nation above our own,” he added.

Father Robert Reyes and supporters lay hands and pray over Sen. Trillanes

Senator Antonio Trillanes not only received support from his colleagues in the Senate, but also from the members of the Catholic Church.

On Thursday, Father Robert Reyes, known as the ‘running priest’ went to the Senate building to express his support to Senator Trillanes and also to offered a prayer to the fiercest critic of President Rodrigo Duterte.

Aside from Reyes, Fr. Flavie Villanueva and Fr. Manuel Gatchalian also went to the Senate to celebrate a mass dedicated to Trillanes.

Photos circulating on the internet showed Father Robert Reyes, the two other priests, and other supporters lay hands and pray over Sen. Trillanes

In a chance interview, Reyes warned President Duterte for the possible consequences in his alleged attempt to silence Sen. Trillanes.

According to him, the only way to silence Trillanes is to kill him.

“The only way to stop brave people is to kill them. So the next thing is to kill Trillanes? All the brave people? No. You should stop what you’re doing Duterte. Stop before the Nation stops you.” Reyes said.


Fr. Villanueva also told Trillanes not to be afraid to face the biggest challenge of his political career.

“Wag ka matakot, di ka nag iisa,” Villanueva told Trillanes.

Reyes is known for his showing his support to the known-critics of President Rodrigo Duterte.

Aside from Trillanes, Reyes also dedicated a prayer to Senator Leila De Lima before she got detained for illegal drug charges.

And even to Atty. Lourdes Sereno before she got removed as Chief Justice.

Meanwhile, some netizens criticized Reyes for choosing the people he supported.

“Ano to? Naghuhugas ng kasalanan? Tapos don pa sa Paring Makasalanan? Robert Reyes? Ang Pari ng mga LP! Ginawa nyo na ngang Hotel ang Senado tapos ngayon ginawa nyo namang Simbahan ang Senado! Kapal ng mga mukha nito! Dun nyo gawin yan sa Totoong Simbahan!” Netizen Kobe Maderazo said.

Some even mocked Father Reyes’ prayers, saying that every people that he prayed over experienced bad luck.

“Senyales na may makukulong na!” Netizen Mestiza De Chinita wrote.

Senator Trillanes is facing a possible arrest after President Duterte nullified the amnesty that he received in 2011 over the two coup that he joined.

Robin Padilla celebrates proclamation against Sen. Trillanes: “Labas na diyan pare, wag kang mag tago sa saya ng Senado!”

Actor Robin Padilla is one of the celebrities who celebrated the decision of President Rodrigo Duterte to declare the amnesty given to Senator Antonio Trillanes as “void.”

In his live video, it can be heard Padilla laughing over the news report that the authorities could soon arrest sen. Trillanes because of his participation in two coup d’etat in 2003 and 2007.

Padilla who even went to the front of the Senate building even teased Trillanes and urged the Senator not to use the Senate to hide from the authorities.

“Labas na diyan pare, wag kang mag tago sa saya ng Senado!” Padilla said in his live video.

He pointed out that ordinary people were quickly arrested by the authorities, while Trillanes was using his position to avoid getting detained.

Padilla said that Trillanes should not worry from facing arrest and urged him to follow the law.

“Ano ba naman yung mag submit kayo diyan sa authority..kung merong warrant ba talaga eh ano ba naman yung sumama ka muna pare..Trillanes hindi ka naman gagalawin ng mga sundalo at kabaro mo naman yon,” Padilla said.

He defended President Rodrigo Duterte from the accusation of Trillanes that the chief executive went to Israel because he’s afraid of signing the proclamation while in the Philippines.

According to Padilla, the President would not waste his time to go to the Senate to face Trillanes and his Israel trip is part of Duterte’s job.

Padilla insisted that Trillanes should not waste the taxpayers’ money by hiding in the Senate.

The actor said that if possible, he would personally arrest Sen. Trillanes inside the Senate premises.

In the past, Padilla challenged Trillanes into a fist fight, but the Senator didn’t respond on the actor’s request.

You can watch the video below:

Heartbroken father who’s daughter killed by a drug addict writes a striking open letter to Colmenares and CBCP: “YOU ARE BLINDED ABOUT THE TRUTH!”

A Father who’s still hurt by the death of his daughter in the hands of an illegal drug user finally spoke out against the people who are opposing the war against criminality launched by the Duterte administration.

In his open letter addressed to former Bayan Muna party-list Representative Neri Colmenares, Catholic Priests, Human Rights Group and International Criminal Court, Nino Vilan Piñero, father of Jan Nicole R. Piñero expressed his anger over the advocacy of the said groups.

Mr. Piñero said that the death of his daughter completely destroyed his life, while the criminals until now are enjoying the protection being given by human rights groups to them.

He believes that the human rights advocate are only trying to look on how many criminals were being killed every day while turning a blind eye to the innocent victims who’re losing their lives in the hands of their culprits.

Piñero also shared that he’s receiving death threats, apparently from the criminal who killed his daughter.

You can read his whole post below:










In April 2017, Jan Nicole, 21 and her friend, Lorraine Ramirez, 17 were killed by a skateboarder who’s high in Marijuana.

Jan Nicole Piñero (left) and Lorraine Ramirez (right)

The suspect, Michael Malayo, 34 was quickly nabbed by the authorities and received double life prison term without parole.

Piñero was pregnant during that time, but her condition didn’t save her from the hands of the cruel criminal who even played hide and seek with the victims before he ended their life.

Michael Malayo

The case of Piñero and Ramirez sparked outrage from the netizens and it also made some netizens realized that Marijuana could also turn its user into a brutal criminal like Malayo.

It also turned Piñero family to become an anti-illegal drug advocate and opposing any groups that protecting criminals and drug addicts.

They also supported the war against illegal drugs launched by the Duterte administration.

However, several personalities like Colmenares are still fighting for the rights of the criminal and drug addicts who have a potential to kill innocent people.

Source: Nino Vilan Pinero


Joma Sison praises Leni Robredo: Mas matalino kang di hamak kay Duterte!

Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) Chairman Jose Maria Sison praised Vice President Leni Robredo amid the series of criticisms received by the latter against President Rodrigo Duterte.

President Duterte called the Vice President “incompetent” several times saying that Robredo cannot solve the problem of the Philippines and claimed that Naga City, the hometown of the opposition leader was infested by illegal drugs.

However, the views of Sison to Robredo was far different than Duterte believing that the Vice President is incompetent and “far more intelligent” than the President.

In his twitter post, Sison praised Robredo who opposed the statement of Duterte that the Philippines is better to be led by a dictator.

“Leni Robredo is far more intelligent, honest and competent than a Duterte who has gone out of his mind by worshipping and emulating the fascist dictatorship and corruption of Marcos, Sison said.

However, some pro-Duterte supporters believed that the reason why Sison supported Robredo is because of the ‘weak’ personality of the Vice President.

According to the Facebook page Crabbler, a weak President could be advantageous to the CPP-NPA-NDF to take over the country.

“Joma likes Leni because he knows she’s weak. If she was President, the NPA will easily take over. Baka nga magpameryenda pa ‘yan sa kanila sa takot.” Sison said.

Sison led CPP-NPA-NDF and urged the Duterte government to release almost 400 political prisoners, some involved in committing heinous crimes.

However, the relationship between Sison and Duterte turned sour after the latter turned down the demands of the CPP-NPA-NDF.

The two also engaged in a series of word war.

Last week, Sison claimed that Duterte is in comatose, to debunk the accusations of the communist founder, the latter appeared in a Facebook live and told his former Professor that he is “dying”.



Drilon to Chief Justice De Castro: All doubts about you can only be remove if you don’t participate in political pending cases

Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon on Tuesday urged the newly-appointed Supreme Court Chief Justice Teresita Leonardo-De Castro to avoid getting involved with all pending politically-charged cases, to remove the doubts that Duterte chose her as a “reward” for her contribution in the ouster of Atty. Maria Lourdes Sereno.

Drilon believes that the integrity of the decision on the political cases might be severely affected if De Castro would not inhibit herself.

“All questions, issues, and doubts surrounding the appointment of Chief Justice Teresita Leonardo de Castro, particularly with regard to her impartiality, can only be addressed if the newly-appointed chief magistrate refrains from participating in any political case pending before the court,” Drilon said in a statement.

“I encourage her to inhibit from politically-charged cases in order to uphold the integrity of the decision that the Supreme Court may make during her short tenure,” the minority chief said.

De Castro is one of the five SC justices who voted in favor of the Quo Warranto filed by Solicitor General Jose Calida against Sereno.

This made the critics speculate that De Castro helped the Duterte government to oust Sereno in exchange for the highest position in the judiciary.

Among the cases pending at the SC is the electoral protest of former Senator “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. against Vice President Leni Robredo.

Meanwhile, President Rodrigo Duterte denied the accusations that he appointed De Castro because of her role in the ouster of Sereno.

He explained that even before, the Supreme Court has a tradition that the most senior associate justice should be the next to be appointed as Chief Justice.

“Kung sino ‘yung naunang pumasok, siya ‘yung unang ma-promote and that would go for everybody,” President Duterte said on Monday, as he led the National Heroes Day celebration at the Libingan ng mga Bayani.

“I am not familiar of any of them actually. Wala akong kilalang justice na ‘yung personal. Truthfully, I have not talked to anyone there. Wala akong kilala. They are all strangers to me.” Duterte said, addressing the reporters

The president also condemned lawmakers Edcel Lagman and Gary Alejano who claimed that De Castro’s appointment was a mere incentive.

“I have yet to hear those guys (Alejano, Lagman) state something without malice. They always say the worst. People kagaya niyan judge best when they condemn and they have nothing to show for their time there except to blabber their mouth,” Duterte said.

He also explained that the position was not given to Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio because of the latter’s unwillingness to take the job.

However, several reports said that Carpio is now considering in applying as the next Chief Justice as De Castro’s term would only last 41 days as the latter need to follow the mandatory retirement age of 70.

Arnold Padilla asks the authorities to bring him to St. Luke’s Hospital

The infamous man who went viral on the internet last week for assaulting and mocking barangay traffic enforcers suddenly becomes sick and asked for an ambulance to bring him to St. Luke’s Hospital.

National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) chief Director Guillermo Eleazar shared during an interview that Saint Luke’s Hospital has been already dispatched their ambulance to rescue the suspect Arnold Padilla.

Padilla complained of high blood pressure and chest pains during the search operations of the authorities led by Eleazar in the suspect’s home in Brgy. Magallanes, Makati City.

It was reported that Padilla’s blood pressure rose to 160/90.

“Balita ko nagpadala ng ambulansiya ‘yung St. Luke’s at sinabing masama ang pakiramdam at dadalhin sa ospital ‘yung suspek,” Eleazar said.

Eleazar didn’t like the idea of Padilla, so he ordered a police ambulance to bring the suspect to Camp Bagong Diwa to receive medical treatment.

According to the NCRPO Chief, he would not be fooled by the tricks of Padilla, because he knew that the suspect would only relax in the said private hospital.

“Magre-relax lang iyan sa ospital,” Eleazar said. “Di puwedeng ganun, na tayo’y pinaiikutan nitong mga ito.”

Atty. Raymond Fortun, lawyer of Padilla said that his client was disturbed by his arrest.

He also defended his client, saying that the grenades recovered by the authorities are not owned by Padilla and the police possibly planted it to arrest the suspect.

“Tungkol naman sa granada, nakakalungkot pong sabihin, pero ito po ay planted,” Fortun said in an interview.

“This is just an opinion, but for now, yun lang po yung masasabi naming abogado na hindi po si Arnold Padilla ang may-ari ng mga granadang ito,” he added.

Meanwhile, Padilla’s live-in-partner Glocel Razon already appeared in Camp Bagong Diwa to give some support to his partner.

Aside from being infamous for frightening and harassing poor people, Padilla was also being monitored for his alleged involvement in illegal drugs. He was also the suspect in the murder of his sister who died of opening a gift box loaded with a bomb.

He’s expecting to undergo a drug test today.

READ MORE:“Best Actor!” A man who went viral for hurting traffic enforcers suffered chest pain during his arrest

“Hindi lang Marikina!” Makati City showcased their modular tent for their evacuation centers

Yesterday, the modular tents of Marikina City for their evacuees has gone viral on social media, but it seems that not only Marikeños are those people who are well-prepared when it comes to their evacuation plan.

On August 10, a netizen who works in Makati City government showed that they’re also ready when a disaster happened in their place.

It showed that like Marikina City, Makati also acquired modular tents that would give privacy and comfort to their evacuees.

The modular tent can accommodate one average sized family and the Makati City government also prepared mat, pillows, bedding, medicines and other basic needs of the evacuees.

There’s also a medical facility for the evacuees, so in case of emergency, the patient would get treatment immediately.

It also showed that necessities like soap, toothpaste and detergent powder are also prepared to be given away to the evacuees.

Makati veterinary office is also ready to rescue stray dogs if a flood happened in their City. However, some netizens showed concerns after they got informed that dogs will be separated from their owner during the evacuation.

There’s also a Food preparation area for the citizens of Makati.

The rules inside the evacuation center confirmed that no pets are allowed inside the vicinity.

The facility which gained most praise from the netizens is the designated breastfeeding area inside the evacuation center.

Netizens praised Makati City for their preparation, however, some people doubt that this was only for publicity.

But some pointed out that that the modular tent doesn’t have the names of politicians so they doubt if the government of Makati really made it just for publicity.

“Bumabawi ang binay family ah. Ayos yan!” netizen Leon og commented.

“the most organized evac center ive seen in the country..sana Mayor binay, di eto overpriced ha? baka matulad ka sa bro mo.. just saying’ Netizen Emelyn Haz Balabat remarked

“Kudos to the local government and to those who are behind this great action. Sana buong bansa ganyan din.” netizen Jerby Cristo said.

Source: Ahryhiele Yhieldg

Netizens slam PCOO officials for disowning Mocha: “You cannot even defend the president when falsely attacked by critics. “

Because of another controversy faced by Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Assistant Secretary Mocha Uson, even her colleagues are now trying to distance from her.

But several netizens are very disappointed on the actions of PCOO against Mocha Uson after one of its official Philippine Information Agency  (PIA) Director-General Harold Clavite asked the latter to take a leave from her job.

Now, the netizens are questioning the competence of the PCOO if they really did their job like what they claimed.

Netizen Allan Peter M. Sinco, addressed PCOO on his post, asking if the Communications Office really did their job in informing the public about the agendas of President Rodrigo Duterte.

He pointed out that until now, only a few people were aware of the Build Build Build that even a pageant contestant in Binibining Pilipinas was not cognizant of it.

Sinco pointed out that PCOO failed to spread awareness on Federalism despite the fact that this is the advocacy of President Rodrigo Duterte since his first day of presidency.

He also said that PCOO also did not do their job in defending the President when he was being attacked falsely by his critics.

The big question is… Did the PCOO deliver their task of informing the public effectively and efficiently as mandated by their very own office? If yes, how come only a few knows about Build Build Build? Not even the pageant contestant knows what it is? 

Federalism is part of PRRD’S campaign promise, did you PCOO do something to have at least a teaser to ignite awareness since day one of Duterte’s presidency?  In fairness, Mocha’s video is somehow successful in creating consciousness among the masses. 

You cannot even defend the president when falsely attacked by critics.  If and only if YOU are effectively communicating what’s happening in the government, Mocha’s style will not hold any footing. 

Ayusin nyo trabaho nyoSHAME ON YOU!

Meanwhile another netizen questioned PIA Director General Clavite for boasting that he did his job in serving President Rodrigo Duterte, while attacking Mocha Uson on social media.

Netizen Rem Jesus said that he even don’t know that there’s a Director General in PIA and he also asked Clavite if anyone from the masses know him, because he believes that Mocha’s contribution to PCOO is her ability to interact with the masses.

PIA…? Nagtatrabaho? Ano yon!? Meron pala Director General ang PIA? What have you been doing? Where have you been these last 2 years that you said you and your team have been working hard to support the President’s agenda? What have you really accomplished? Does anyone from the masses even know you at all? Sheesh,… PIA… ilan kayang masang Pilipino man lang ang nakakaalam ng ibig sabihin ng PIA at kung ano ang katungkulan at gjnagawa nila?

If one has nothing good to say about somebody else, it’s best that he says nothing at all.

Nasisilip at natatanong ka lang din tuloy kung, “hu u ka po!?”

Another Netizen James Penaflorida Amparo said that Mocha contributed a lot than the whole team of PCOO in spreading the agendas of the Duterte administration.

Mocha have done more to disseminate the achievements of the Gov’t and to defend the President compared to the whole work of PCOO. TP is right, Para lang kayong display jan!

Sam O. Umaga also became passionate while criticizing the PCOO for their failure to defend the President from bad publicity, while Mocha is doing it alone.

Yun nga ang problema nyo you FAILED….


Negative publicity or not she seems more effective than YOU

You failed to attract people about Federalism

You failed to control lies thrown to the President by ABS CBN, GMA and Inquirer

It is like your PIA is so stagnant and you want to please everybody…

Hello kailan kayo kikilos na with conviction…. Atleast Mocha is direct and her being straightforwardness she speaks what we want to say… kaya nyang sabihin na nandaya ang LP gamit smartmatic…. Manloloko si Noynoy …. Dinaya ni Robredo si BBM

Alam nyo yun ang kulang sa inyo…

Before you scold Mocha better look at yourself first kasi if we were to evaluate your PIA… you FAILED in many aspects

Uson is not yet giving any statement on the request of Clavite to her to take a leave.