Vandal caught in action by a netizen in Manila City

Netizens are already familiar with graffitis around Metro Manila, but many of them are wondering who are the people committing those kinds of vandalism.

On Tuesday, Facebook page Happy Riders PH posted a photo of an alleged vandal roaming around Metro Manila.


According to the source, the photo was taken on the day of President Duterte’s fourth State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday.

In the photo, it was shown a woman holding a spray paint while trying to reach the street sign beside her are some marching rallyist.

The source didn’t let the opportunity escape to take a photo of the woman.

The action of the vandal made thousands of netizens disappointed, pointing out that the woman should not damage the property of the government.

As of writing, the woman in the photo is still not identified.


Yesterday, another vandalism incident was also reported along Mendiola.

Mayor Isko Moreno who’s leading the clean up of Manila City is not yet giving comment on the recent vandalism.

In 2010, Valenzuela City made an ordinance against vandalism. Violators of this Ordinance, whether the property affected is public or private, shall be fined FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P5,000.00) or detain for 21 to 30 days.

In 2013, late Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago introduced Anti-Vandalism Act which made to fight vandals and prohibit the sale of spray cans for people 18 y/o below.


Former Senator Antonio Trillanes also introduced Anti- Vandalism Act of 2009.

According to the bill, writing, drawing, painting, marking or inscribing on any public property or private property any word, slogan, caricature, drawing, mark, symbol or other
thing could be considered as vandalism.



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