Planado talaga! Lumang comment ni Abigail Rait tungkol sa plano niyang papasukin sa showbiz si Francesca kumalat sa social media

Former flight attendant Abegail Rait went viral on social media after she claimed that she had a relationship with ‘Master Rapper’ Francis M. before he passed away in 2009.

In an interview with Jayson Luzadas’ show Pinoy Pawnstars, Abegail revealed that aside from having an affair with Francis, their love also produced one child, Gaile Francesca.


Abegail also used the exposure they received from the influencer to promote the talents of Francesca, whom she claimed inherited the skills of her father.

According to Abegail, Francesca can dance, sing, rap, and draw like her father.

She said that Francesa was already attempting to enter the show business to follow in her father’s footsteps.

“Soon, lalabas siya [sa showbiz].” said Abegail.

After Abegail revealed her intentions, several netizens discovered that the former flight attendant was already conditioning her daughter to become an artist.


“Ate Abby, hindi pwedeng di magartista to ha?” one of Abegail’s friend commented.

“Yes, dear,” Abegail responded.

Because of the exposure received by Abegail, it’s impossible that some talent scouts are already talking with Francesca.


If their claims are proven, Francesca was expected to use the stage name ‘Francesca M.’

Some critics believed that Abegail really intended to disclose Francis’ secret so her daughter would get the attention of the public.

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