Baby Agila! SBSI’s leader Senior Agila’s throwback photos receive attention from netizens

Who would thought that a simple student from Surigao del Sur would become the leader of an alleged cult with thousands of members?

Jey Rence Quilario, also known as ‘Senior Agila,’ was facing criticism and possible charges after his group Socorro Bayanihan Services Inc. (SBSI) gained the public’s and officials’ attention for the alleged suspicious activities being performed by his members.


Quilario became a member of SBSI in 2017 and made a significant contribution to the group after he convinced hundreds of residents to leave their homes and start a new life at Sitio Kapihan after an earthquake.

He was endorsed as the group’s new leader in 2019, and many of their members believed that he was the reincarnation of Santo Nino and Jesus Christ.

None of his old friends would have thought that Quilario would drop his studies to become the leader of a big group that consisted of people who were older than him.

According to some of his former classmates, Quilario was known to be an excellent student and a jokester.

Some even showed old photos of Quilario to prove he was a simple teenager before becoming a ‘miraculous’ leader of SBSI.


The said photos went viral on social media, sparking a discussion about how SBSI changed Quilario.


Even some public officials who investigated Quilario believed the group controlled him.

However, until today, Quilario has yet to give any important information about the group.


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