MTRCB Chair Lala Sotto denies influencing a social media group to file charges against Vice Ganda and Ion Perez.

The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) chairperson Lala Sotto denied that she influenced the Kapisanan ng Social Media Broadcaster ng Pilipinas Inc. to file charges against Vice Ganda and Ion Perez.

It can be remembered that KSMBPI and MTRCB met last August 24, but Sotto denied that they talked about anything about Vice, Ion or 


In a statement, Sotto said that the group only expressed support to them to maintain quality content and promote responsible shows in the entertainment industry.

“The purpose of this visit was to express their support for our efforts in monitoring film and TV broadcasts, recognizing that the MTRCB operates as a small agency with limited manpower. Thus, the MTRCB welcomes their expression of support on ensuring responsible and quality content in the entertainment industry in line with our mandates under PD 1986,”  said Sotto.


Last September 11, the group filed several charges against Vice and Ion which allegedly connected to the actions done by the two It’s Showtime hosts during the Isip Bata segment.


According to the post made by Comander Red of Spin Media on August 24, they said that MTRCB and KSMBPI discussed the ‘proliferation of immoral contents in some of noontime TV shows”

Spin Media is one of the media partners of KSMBPI.

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