Man in Aurora became center of discussion after marrying a mannequin

A man in Aurora had gone viral on social media after he was seen marrying a Mannequin on January 21, 2023.


The man who was identified as Jericho Apongol of Dipaculao, Aurora was wearing his black tuxedo while exchanging vows with a mannequin wearing a wedding dress.

Videos and photos shared by Marivic Nudalo on social media showed that the guests even participated in the money dance and put currency in the wedding dress of the mannequin bride.

Netizens couldn’t hide their curiosity after watching the video; some even accused the man of having a mental problem for marrying a mannequin.

However, the relatives of Apongol said that the groom had no choice but to marry the mannequin because his wife was in the hospital because of birthing their first child.

They chose to let the bride rest instead of insisting her to attend the wedding.

The bride according to them accepted the idea of Apongol’s relative.

The dress being worn by the mannequin was supposed to be used by Apongol’s wife.


According to them, they insisted on continuing the wedding because they already spent too much money during the event.

Some netizens raised their eyebrows at the reason for Apongol’s family continued the wedding without the bride.


But for them, it’s more important that they didn’t waste the money they spent for the wedding and all the guests were happy.

It’s not yet known if they’re already legally married after the event as the bride was absent during the wedding vows.

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