Radio host explains why President Duterte kissed the bombing site in Jolo: “What PRRD did was to humble himself”

A radio host explained why President Rodrigo Duterte decided to kiss the bombing site in Jolo, Sulu during his visit last Sunday.

The photo has gone viral on social media but many netizens were still not aware of why Duterte made such a gesture.


Some critics even mocked the action of Duterte like the licensed teacher who edited the said photo to make him look like eating dog food.

Photo from Senator Bong Go

According to radio host Mark Lopez, the President did a “gesture known to Muslims as Sujood or Sujod or Pagtitirapa.”

“This is an act of prostration where one bows down completely with the forehead touching the ground, signifying utmost humility, respect, and reverence, and acknowledging the power and greatness of a more supreme being,” said Lopez.

Lopez said that it’s also Duterte’s way of saying that he’s ready to give justice to the victims.

He then questioned why some critics of the President still insisted that the gesture of Duterte was only made to promote himself.

He did the act spontaneously, because that is the hallmark of a true leader with authentic malasakit. Of course, it will be expected that the yellow-red-oligarch-elitists-wokininams will try to dismiss or downplay this as a publicity stunt. Seriously? You go to a war-torn, dangerous and besieged territory just to create publicity?” Lopez stated.

“You mean you are in denial that a cowardly act of terrrorism took place in that area, which took the lives of soldiers and innocents, and severely maimed and injured others while also destroying property and livelihood?” he added.


The radio host said that Duterte was risking his own life because he wanted to show that he’s ready to help the family of the victims and the community to destroy the people behind the incident.

“Most important of all, he went there to personally emphatize, grieve, and assure his troops that he is there with the all-out support of government. You don’t do this just for the sake of propaganda, when there is too much at stake. This is an authentic act of courage. You do this because you really care. And that my dear fellow Filipinos, is our President,” he said.

The post of Lopez reached 12,000 reactions on social media.


During his speech before the troops in Jolo, Duterte said that he kissed the ground as a sign of respect.

“Kaya ako lumuhod, hinalikan ko yung lupa, kasi hindi man lang nakapagtawag ng Allah, o nakapag sign of the cross before dying,” Duterte said.


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