Ginawang aso ang Pangulo! Licensed teacher in hotwater after posting an edited photo of Duterte

A licensed teacher is in hotwater after she posted an edited photo of President Rodrigo Duterte while paying respect to the victims of Jolo b0mbings.

On Monday, Laarni Villaluz has gone viral on social media after she posted the said photo that was edited to make it look like the President is eating a dog food.


“Sino po may voucher from Pedigree? Baka po pwede makahingi. New user,” Villaluz said who’s referring to a branded dog food.

Unfortunately for Villaluz, the photo she posted raised thousands of eyebrows on social media and now she’s being criticized for what she did.

Netizen Marize Anzia was one of the netizens who called out Villaluz for her actions, saying that her post was very disrespectful both to the President and to her profession as a teacher.

“We all know that we do not have the best government nor the best president. But doing this kind of shit post is very unrespectful. Kung wala tayong respeto sa presidente, sana man lang respetuhin mo profession mo. Nakakalungkot. Naturingang edukado pero walang respeto,” said Anzia.

“DDS man o Hindi. Please stop,” she added.


Blogger Tio Moreno also made his comment on Villaluz’s action, saying that her degree would not hide her true behavior.

“DEGREE IS JUST A PIECE OF PAPER. REAL EDUCATION IS SEEN IN BEHAVIOR. To the Licensed Professional Teacher and Registered Criminologist—- Laarni Villaluz  Mas malinis pa budhi ng baboy namin sayo. I hope you’ll be designated to Jolo, just in case you’re practicing your professions,” Moreno wrote.

After receiving thousands of criticisms, Villaluz decided to delete her post and apologized for what she did.


“Ms. Laarni Villaluz and his BF messaged me about sa post ko. They were apologizing about sa act na nangyari. Hindi niyo po kailangan na magsorry sa akin. Hindi naman ako govt officials or ano. Simpleng netizen lang. Wala akong intensyong manira ng buhay. Its just that it is very below the belt kasi. Hindi ko rin inakala na magtetrend ng ganon in just a few hours. Me neither is not okay sa Pres at sa ating govt. Mahirap mag aral at mag trabaho. I guess lesson learned sa ating lahat ito,” Anzia said.

We are trying to get a comment from the Department of Education (DepEd), but they have yet to respond to our message.


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