Lacson on US entry ban: “If some US senators still see our country as their colony, we will tell them in their faces we are not. “

Senator Panfilo Lacson insisted that the Philippines also have the right to fight back after some US Senators pushed the entry-ban against the accusers of Leila De Lima.

On a tweet, Lacson said that the Filipinos are entitled to tell the US Senators pushed for the entry-ban that the Philippines is not an American colony anymore and cannot be controlled by them.


Lacson also said that we also have the right to insult the senators of the US if they try to affront the Philippine government.

“Respect runs both ways, especially between two long-time allies. If some US senators still see our country as their colony, we will tell them in their faces we are not. If they insult us, we will insult them back. We are entitled to our national pride and dignity,” said Lacson.

This is not the first that Lacson criticized some American politicians for pushing the entry ban against De Lima’s accusers.

On December 29, 2019, Lacson criticized Senator Patrick Leahy for asking the Duterte administration to free De Lima instead of implementing new visa rules for Americans who wanted to visit the Philippines.



“My issue is about their arrogance towards another sovereign state’s judicial process. Sen de Lima’s case is merely incidental to that central issue,” Lacson also said.

After it was reported that the entry-ban was already being enforced against De Lima’s accusers, the Duterte government announced that they’re going to ban three Senators from visiting the Philippines.


They’re Senators Patrick Leahy, Richard Durbin, and Edward Markey.


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