“To help our kababayans” OFW Engineer offers his expertise for free in building water facilities to give Filipinos clean water

An Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) who worked in big water-cleaning plant projects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) offered wanted to offer his expertise to the government of the Philippines to help his ‘kababayans’ to have clean water.

The Saudi-based Engineer, Aldrin Cardenas wrote a letter addressed to President Rodrigo Duterte to express his desire to volunteer if ever that the government wanted to build water treatment plants.


“I am sending this message to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte showing my intent to volunteer for free as a consultant in the construction of such facilities to help our kababayans who are suffering from the water crisis in Metro Manila and in the entire country,” Cardenas said on his Facebook post.

To prove that he already has the experience, he revealed that he was involved in the construction of the biggest Reverse Osmosis Manufacturing Facilities in Saudi Arabia.

He’s also part of the team that built the biggest desalination plant in Jubail, Saudi Arabia.

“IN 2014 I was involved in the construction of the biggest Reverse Osmosis Manufacturing facilities in KSA and the first construction of such plant outside of the United States. It is considered a one-of-a-kind top-secret project of DOW Chemicals. Fluor Corporation hired me as Quality Control and Quality Assurance Manager to run the world-class project of DOW Chemicals to supply its products to the Middle East, the African region, Eastern Europe, China, India, and Southeast Asia, ensuring that quality is delivered accordingly,” Cardenas said.

“I also want people to know that the biggest desalination plant in Jubail, KSA was constructed and designed by Filipino Engineers in 2009 and I am one of them. I wonder why our government does not want to construct government-owned water plants to supply fresh and drinking water to Filipinos in highly urbanized areas. We, the OFW Filipino Engineers, are willing to undertake and help this administration to solve many current issues,” he added.

According to Cardenas, he was wondering why drinkable water in the Philippines is expensive.


He pointed out that there are many Filipinos who already got an experience building infrastructure that could help the country to have a sufficient supply of water.

“Filipinos are truly highly skilled, many of us dealing with infrastructure and chemical projects overseas. I just wonder why our country, which is abundant in fresh and saline water, faces scarcity of water supply. I read in the news that the government is set to exact from the business sector multi-billion peso fines for mishandling water management and contracts in the country,”

Cardenas made the post following the criticisms threw by President Duterte against two water companies who filed a case against the government in an international tribunal.


The President also complained about the lack of water treatment plants in the country, saying that the Filipinos are paying for it.

“They’ve been collecting for years to treat the water before it flows to the Manila Bay. Matagal na ‘yan” Duterte said.

“ Anak ka ng p***** i** niya. Walang water treatment, mga animal kayo” he added.

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