Netizen explains how an modernize jeep saves Alexander Butal from the accusations of Dimple Morcillo

The story released by the radio and social media program Raffy Tulfo in Action about Alexander Butal and Dimple Morcillo is one of the most discussed topics this month.

Butal and Morcillo faced each other in the said program and made the latter to beg for forgiveness to the jeepney driver.


In a Facebook post, netizen Benjie Tech praised the said episode of Raffy Tulfo in Action because they gave justice to the right person and it showed that you cannot escape the consequences despite asking for forgiveness.

“Not entirely a fan of the Tulfo show BUT in this case, to see a bit of justice served to a true victim and seeing the guilty ones kneel and beg for mercy in public made me appreciate the show. Hats off Raffy Tulfo in Action! What made it even sweeter was that the victim gave a cold and badass response while the accused was down on her knees. “Tuloy ang kaso!”. It’s sad that some mistakes cannot be undone and consequences won’t just go away with an apology BUT this fact also makes us more mindful and responsible of our actions,” Benjie said.

Benjie also pointed out that Butal might suffer in the accusations of Morcillo forever if the incident didn’t happen inside a modernize jeepney with a CCTV.


“I also have to acknowledge the fact that if the incident didn’t happen inside one of those new e-jeepneys then this poor man wouldn’t have been able to defend himself. Thanks to the availability of CCTV inside these modernized PUVs,” he said.

Mr. Butal, a 53-year-old jeepney driver was wrongly accused by Morcillo of touching her and the incident almost put the former in detention.

However, a CCTV footage that was taken inside an e-jeepney saved Butal from the accusations and proven that he only lost his balance while trying to sit beside Morcillo.


Butal insisted that he’s going to file charges against Morcillo and her other relatives.


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