Agot Isidro shows the list of senatoriables that she’s going to vote in the upcoming elections

Actress Agot Isidro finally showed the senatorial bets that she’s going to vote in the upcoming election this month.

In her tweet, Agot showed to her followers the ten senate bets that she’s going to support.


The list included Gary Alejano, Bam Aquino, Chel Diokno, Samira Gutoc, Florin Hilbay, Romulo Macalintal, Mar Roxas, Erin Tanada who’s all members of Otso Diretso.

She also added two senatoriables who supported by the left, they’re Neri Colmenares and Leody De Guzman.

“RT (Retweet) if we have the same list” Isidro said in her post.

Some of her followers also said that they already voted Otso Diretso during the absentee voting held in different parts of the planet.


Some are already prepared to give a list of candidates in the upcoming elections to guide the voters to vote for Otso Diretso bets.


Isidro is known to be a supporter of Otso Diretso and even fell in love with one of its candidates Florin Hilbay.

However, President Duterte believed that the relationship between Isidro and Hilbay is only part of their campaigning.

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