Father Robert Reyes to soldiers: “Mahiya-hiya naman kayo sa inyong balat. Ginagamit lang kayo ni Duterte!”

Activist Priest Father Robert Reyes believes that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) should be ashamed of themselves for letting them being used by their Commander-in-Chief.

After a mass held by the supporters of Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, who’s still inside the Senate building, Reyes urged the military to avoid being used in politics.


According to him, the military should act according to the truth, justice, the law, and their nationalism and not arrest Sen. Trillanes who’s facing possible detention after President Rodrigo Duterte voided his amnesty.

“Hindi po kayo tuta o alipin ng isang tao. Ang pinaglilingkuran niyo, kami ang taumbayan, hindi isang tao. Magising po kayo, ginagamit kayo, kayo’y ginogoyo,” Reyes said.

“Kayo po’y sundalo ng bayan, hindi kayo private army ng isang tao. Mahiya-hiya naman kayo sa inyong balat. Wake up and go back to your people, to us.

“He should not dictate upon you to betray the Constitution and the Filipino people. Pabayaan niyo na po si Sen. Trillanes.”

Reyes also shared that they’re going to finish a 9-day novena dedicated to Senator Antonio Trillanes.

Reyes who’s also known as the running priest is known for openly supporting the key members of the Liberal Party and opposition.

Another priest who gave the homily at the mass said that the 8-point drop in Duterte’s trust rating should be celebrated by the people.


According to him, the survey showed that people are already realized that they’re supporting the wrong man.

“Nagbabago ang ibang mga tao. We just have to continue on. Let us not fear defeat,” he said.

“Ayaw natin mapabilang na in the view of history na hindi tayo nakipaglaban,” Sarabia added.

Meanwhile, Armed Forces of the Philippines chief-of-staff Gen. Carlito Galvez Jr. reminded his soldier “not to meddle or take part in partisan politics.”

“Violation of these instructions will be dealt with severely and personnel who will get involved will be immediately relieve from their post and investigated,” Galvez said.


He also denied the claims of Sen. Trillanes that there’s already a division between the AFP because of the proclamation of President Duterte.

“Let me belie claims by some quarters of divisiveness or rumblings in the AFP. I assure our people that, as in many times in the past, the AFP will be one and undivided as an organization,” Galvez said.

“While I am aware that the troops have individual views on many issues, those merely hallmark an intelligent and matured organization like the AFP. But we always put the interest of the organization and the nation above our own,” he added.

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