Ian Veneracion, hindi natuwa sa mga bumabatikos sa anak niyang lesbian

Ian Veneracion was not happy with the negative comments received by his daughter, Deirdre, who just recently admitted that she was a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.


The said comments could be seen in the comments made by some netizens after Deidre was featured in the Pride Month edition of the fashion magazine Preview.

“Seriously, let’s all just cut the b*llsh*t. People should be honored and respected for their compassion, courage, and integrity–not for the choices they make in the privacy of their bedrooms,” said Ian.

“Proud of my daughter for embodying these values. Who she loves is her business,” he added.

It can be recalled that Deidre admitted her identity to Ian when she was still 16.


“Sabi niya ‘Daddy, I have to tell you something.’ Sabi ko, ‘What? Sit down.’ Sabi niya, ‘I like girls.’ Tapos sabi ko sa kanya, ‘Me also I like girls.’ So parang nagtataka siya, sabi niya, ‘It’s okay?’ Sabi ko, ‘Yes. Just don’t be ever apologetic about it, not even to me.’ Sabi ko, ‘You can be whoever you want to be and I have full support’,” he said.

However, even Ian’s post received questions from the netizens.

“I have a question, “Does your daughter feel comfortable when you call her “daughter”? Please don’t take this the wrong way because I personally feel uncomfortable when my siblings call me brother and my parents call me son,” netizen Tyrel said.


“Akala ko si Charice Pempengco aka Cyrus,” netizen Mica commented.


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