St. Andrew Parish kung saan nangyari ang mala-bangungot na kasal ng isang magsing-irog sa Amlan

The parish where the viral wedding happened, due to its disappointing ceremony, published a statement to address the couple’s complaint.


On June 10, 2024, St. Andrew the Apostle Parish published a statement to explain why the wedding was pushed to its original schedule without the awareness of the couple Jove Deo Sagario and Janine Seit Suelto-Sagario.

It can be recalled that Janine said they thought the wedding was rescheduled to 9:30 A.M. from its original schedule of 8:00 A.M., which explained why they came to the church at around 9:00 A.M.

However, they were surprised when the wedding proceeded to its original schedule, which resulted in the priest starting the mass even without the bride.

To address the criticism, St. Andrew Parish released a statement, explaining that they really didn’t reschedule the wedding and that the couple only got the information about the new schedule from one of the lady sponsors.

They also explained why they tried to rush the ceremony due to its busy schedule.


“She relayed this information in an unofficial capacity. This is unfortunate since there was no instruction at all from anyone in the Parish Office that there are changes in the schedule since there was a scheduled Funeral Mass at 9:30 a.m. of that same morning.  Parish Office Staff believe that the lady sponsor may have misread the dates written on the bulletin which she perused the night before,” the Parish wrote.

“On June 8, 2024, instead of arriving for the 8:00 AM wedding Mass, the bride and the groom arrived at around 9:00 AM. Despite the fact that they were late by an hour, still our Assisting Priest celebrated the Mass out of charity to the couple. But he had to hurriedly make some adjustments, by starting when he saw the bride at the Church entrance, and after sending word to the bereaved family waiting outside the Church that there is going to be a delay in the Funeral Mass and to please wait until the wedding is over. On that day, there were ten other schedules to be served by the Priests. That is the truth about what happened from our side,”

The Parish also admitted their mistake and apologized to the couple for their behavior.


“OUR APOLOGY. However, we humbly admit the fact that along the way, there were statements made carried away by emotions. Hence, we express our sincere apology to the bride and the groom, to their respective families who were directly offended by the turn of these events, and to the people who have seen our humanity as Priests in a time when we were weakest of any possible control. We also apologize and express gratitude to the bereaved family who were made to wait for the wedding to be finished. Pope Francis reminds us that “Priests have to bring compassion and forgiveness in the daily grind of life like Jesus the Lord”. Yet, we also ask for your kind indulgence for the times we were short in meeting that call. In the midst of this unfortunate event, please pray for us as we struggle with our frailties. We pray for the peace of everyone concerned in this event. We hope that the Lord of love will bless our Community with the grace of unity and peace – always!” 

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