Pari sinabing labag sa turo ng Panginoon ang pagsosoot ng costume sa Halloween na may kinalaman sa kadiliman

A priest of the Catholic Church warned the Halloween party-goers to be mindful of the costumes they are planning to wear.


In an interview with the Philippine Star, Father Winston Cabading, also known as the exorcist of the Archdiocese of Manila, said that people should stop wearing costumes of evil creatures or anyone connected to darkness.

“This is a form of idolatry. It is against the first commandment. The command to love God and worship Him alone is violated because we spend energy and resources that do not glorify God, nor recognize his complete dominion in us, nor recognize that the very resources we use to make those costumes are in fact given by God,” said Cabading.

Cabading also included the people wearing zombie costumes.

However, he said that it would be fine for people to wear an outfit that represents cartoon characters or mythical characters as long as it is not connected to evil or darkness.

He also reminded the same thing to his followers on social media.


“Stop dressing up as ghosts, vampires or witches. Let us change this tradition. If you look at Halloween, the root word is ‘hallow’ which means ‘holy’. That is why November 1 is a day of all the saints. We honor saints because they follow God and they are worthy of our imitations and devotions,” said Cabading.

The statement made by Cabading received mixed reactions from the netizens.


It can be recalled that the Catholic Church also attempted to stop the ‘Aswang’ festival in the province of Capiz because they believed that the residents were glorifying evil creatures.


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