Wag Gahaman! Restaurant addresses vloggers who are asking free transpo and food from them in exchange of promotion

A restaurant in Visayas addressed the vloggers who asked them for free transportation and food in exchange for promoting their business.


In a Facebook post, Bunny Cafe PH made it clear that they would not provide free transportation and food to food vloggers in exchange for featuring them on their vlogs.

According to them, the vlogger asked them for free meals, and they also asked them to shoulder the transportation of the content creator.

Photo from Mr. Bunny Cafe PH/FB

“We do not support vlogger or vlog endorsements, no matter how famous you are, if the exchange is that we pay your transportation to and from, and then serve you all of our best-sellers from the menu,” the business wrote.


“If you truly want to help small businesses like ours, you should support our business by making a purchase and vlogging about your experience. Instead of taking advantage, we would appreciate Vloggers who willing [to] spend from their own pockets to buy from us and vlog about us, rather than expecting free food and drinks in exchange for a vlog,” they added.

The post received support from their fans, saying that influencers should stop charging for promotions as they’re also earning from their videos.



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