Abogado, kampi sa ina ni Carlos Yulo: “Reserve all your brickbats for the girlfriend for almost ruining his career”

A lawyer made an unpopular opinion amid the spat between two-time Olympic gold medalist Carlos Yulo and his mother, Angelica Yulo.


In his statement, Atty. Wilfredo Garrido gave his opinion on the issue, saying that he understood the point of Angelica’s dislike of Carlos’ girlfriend, Chloe San Jose.

According to Garrido, Chloe almost ended Carlos’ career as a gymnast after she allegedly caused the separation between the Filipino athlete and his former coach, Munehiro Kugiyame.

“It was another woman who drove the rift, girlfriend Chloe San Jose, an Australian Tiktoker, who was always hanging around, annoying the coach, who wanted no distractions in the training. When Kugiyama demanded that Caloy dump his girlfriend, Caloy surprisingly chose his girlfriend over his long-time coach and walked out on him,” he wrote.

“Naturally, this shocked his mother who was full of gratitude for Kugiyama who picked Caloy from the gymnastics backwaters of Manila and honed him to be a world champion in Japan. On hindsight that was an impulsive and reckless move for Caloy, who became a nomad, bouncing from one place to another without a coach, basically training himself while relying for emotional support on his girlfriend who knew nothing about gymnastics. As in nada. Wala,” he added.

After the incident, the lawyer said that Carlos placed 52nd in the 2023 World Championships, a possible consequence of the gymnast’s decision to end his partnership with his former coach.

He believed that Angelica was only disappointed with her son’s actions, which explained her posts against Carlos.

The lawyer also said that Mrs. Yulo’s only fault was openly criticizing her son on social media.


Garrido also urged the netizens to reserve their criticism for Chloe and not for Angelica.

“Forgive the mother. Reserve all your brickbats for the girlfriend for almost ruining his career. She might just succeed in the future,” he stated.

Garrido also openly criticized Chloe in his comments and even called her a potential gold digger.

As of writing, Chloe’s camp has yet to give their response to Garrido’s comments.


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