Aktres na si Krissha Viaje, itinanggi na nagtitinda siya ng gamit niyang underwear sa kanyang mga tagahanga

Actress Krissha Viaje warned her fans about certain individuals who were pretending to be her on other social media platforms.

In her Instagram post, Krissha shared a chat from a follower who asked her if she was really selling her used undies on messaging app Telegram.


“May photo ko nakita sa TG. Nagbebenta ka daw used undies?” the follower asked.

“Nope. Scam,” she responded.

When the follower insisted that the seller seemed legitimate, Krissha just let the fan judge it by himself.


“Edi go. Good luck kung kaninong panty yan,” she stated.

“Bago pa kayo magsayang ng pera, ako na po nagsasabi, di ako nagbebenta neto. Wag kayo paloko. Thanks,” she wrote in another Instagram post.

The post received mixed reactions from the netizens and even urged the actress to report the people who were pretending to be her to the authorities.


Krissha became popular after she starred in “Safe Skies, Archer,”


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