Dating aktres na si Brandy Ayala, matagumpay na nasagip sa pagiging isang palaboy

Former actress Brandy Ayala has made huge progress since being saved by the group, which was led by former actor and model Lito Gruet.

It can be recalled that in 2023, Brandy, Remedios Estrada in real life, was featured in several media outlets due to her deteriorating mental health condition and many netizens believed that she was already beyond saving.


However, Lito’s Battle Against Ignorance Foundation (BAI) proved they could save the actress despite not receiving help for many years.

Lito’s group brought Brandy to Safehaven Recovery Village in Cebu City, a known rehabilitation center for successfully normalizing people with mental health problems.


It only took several weeks to see Brandy’s improvement, far from her condition when media members discovered her.

Brandy’s willingness to help herself also contributed to her recovery.

“For now she is adjusting to her new environment. She is now staying at Safehaven Recovery Village where she will be sheltered, fed, treated, cared for, and loved,” said Lito.


“BAI Foundation will continue to support her with all her needs. BAI Foundation is here to help the neglected, the abandoned, the lonely, broken, wounded, and hurting and we need your support to be able to sustain loving and caring for all of those we have rescued who live in the facility,” he added.

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