Cooking show? Pagpasok ni Miss Thailand sa Top 5 ng Miss Universe, inulan ng kwestiyon

Thousands of Filipino pageant fans were disappointed after Michelle Dee failed to enter the top 5 of Miss Universe 2023.

Miss Australia, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, and Colombia, entered the top five of the competition, it also included Thailand on the finalists, which the Filipino netizens questioned heavily.


The decision fueled the rivalry between the Philippines and Thailand and even accused the organization of ‘cooking’ the results.

Netizens also noticed that one of the social media pages of Miss Universe mistakenly included Michelle on the top 5 list, then replaced her with Miss Thailand later on.

“Miss Universe posted it and put it in their story, but why was it Michelle Dee who was featured instead of the Thai contestant, and why was it deleted after people started questioning it? Was it just a mistake or was there a cooking show that took place?” netizen Belle asked.

“WAIT??? ARE WE ON THE SAME PAGE???? THAT GOWN IS THE BEST AMONG ALL OF THEM. WHAT HAPPENED??? They are really afraid that the Philippines might devour the mic when she enters the Top 5 so they had to get rid of her. ROBBED!!!! #MissUniverse2023,” netizen Paige said.

Some even theorized that the current Miss Universe CEO, Thai businesswoman Anne Jukapong Jakrajutatip manipulated the result to favor her country.


Meanwhile, several celebrities including Rhian Ramos, Vice Ganda, and MJ Lastimosa couldn’t stop reacting to the result of the pageant.

“Something 🐟🐠🐡 [fishy],” Rhian said.

“From 1000% energy to 0.01%!!!! Shekeeeeet!!!!,” Vice wrote.


“Top 10 is top 10!!!!!!! Mabuhay ka MMD!!!!! What a roller coaster of excitement and all the emotions in between YOU MADE US PROUD!!!! Filipinas parin thru and thru!!!!! #MabuhayAngPilipinas #MissUniverse2023,” MJ remarked.

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