Bureau of Immigration confirms Yexel Sebastian and Mikee Agustin travel to Japan amid scam allegations

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) confirmed that influencer couple Yexel Sebastian and Mikee Agustin traveled to Japan amid the allegations that they were involved in a P200-M scheme that victimized Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)

During a Senate hearing, the BI Commissioner Norman Tansigco said that Sebastian and Agustin left the country by catching a flight to Nagoya, Japan, on October 9, 2023.


According to them, there was no reason for them to stop the two from taking a flight because there was no hold departure order against them.

Sen. Raffy Tulfo, who recently catered to the complainants against Sebastian and Agustin, expressed disappointment as the two could still travel freely despite the accusations against them.


Hindi ko alam kung ito’y tumatakas na o baka pumunta sa Nagoya para mag-recruit na naman ng investors. Is there any way na mapigilan? Ewan ko lang sa Immigration. Meron naman palang balita na kalat na kalat na na ito ay marami na nai-scam,” said Tulfo.


The Department of Justice (DOJ) said that they could only issue a lookout bulletin against the two, as they are still trying to consider the freedom to travel by the influencers.

As of writing, there’s still no information if someone already filed charges against the two.

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