Sophia Trazona, receives support from her father Michael Navarro: “Dalaga na ang anak ko!”

Sophia Trazona received heartwarming support from her father, Michael Navarro after she decided to come out as a ‘drag queen’

In a Facebook post, Michael posted a photo of Sophia, greeting her newly outed child and praising her beauty.


“Dalaga na ang anak ko pwede ng ilaban sa Miss Gay International hahahahaha.. sinung pupusta?” said Michael.

Sophia who’s Andrei Trazona in real life, couldn’t hide her happiness after reading the post of her father.

“Papa ko super supportive,” she said.

Michael’s reaction was far from Sophia’s mother, Izzy Trazona’s response to the decision of the drag queen to out herself as a transgender.


It can be recalled that Izzy criticized her child publicly and said that she wanted to save the soul of Sophia.

“Andrei anak, I love you so much to not support you on things that will harm you. Putting my hope on what Jesus did on the cross for me, paid the consequence of my sin. Instead of me paying it. Sin will bring me to eternal death, hell. But He saved me. By believing and surrendering my life to that truth,” said Izzy.

Izzy received thousands of criticism from the LGBT community, while Sophia received support from the netizens even encouraged her to pursue her dreams.



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