Izzy Trazona, hindi ikinatuwa ang pagiging drag queen ng kanyang anak na si Andrei: “Sino ba naman magulang ang gustong mapahamak ang anak?”

Izzy Trazone opposed the decision of her son Andrei to become a drag queen.

In a Facebook post, Izzy who’s a former member of Sexbomb Dancers said that she couldn’t stop herself from trying to change the mind of her son and stop his current activities.


According to her, what her son was doing was against the teachings of the Lord.

“Yes, I agree, same with me, hindi mo parin naman nararanasan maging magulang. All I want is for your best. Im holding on with the TRUTH that is written in the bible, the word of God. The One who created us,” she said.

“So if my children, the 4 of them, will do something that is against the faith that I have in Christ, that will I disagree. I point them to Jesus because with that I will be secured with their future. The best I know I can give to my children, more than richness, fame and all.


“Putting my hope on what Jesus did on the cross for me, paid the consequence of my sin. Instead of me paying it. Sin will bring me to eternal death, hell. But He saved me. By believing and surrendering my life to that truth,”

Izzy argued that parents only wanted the best for their children.


“Sino ba naman magulang ang gustong mapahamak ang anak? When all your motive is to save them sa mas masakit na pwede nilang maranasan. Ang buhay na wala si Kristo. Andrei anak, I love you so much to not support you on things that will harm you. I am always here for you…your mama, mahal na mahal kita,” she stated.

The post of Izzy received mostly criticism from the LGBT community.

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