I shall return! Rendon Labador vows to come back after Facebook page disabled

Motivational Speaker Rendon Labador vowed to return after his Facebook received a ban hammer from the social media giant.

It can be recalled that aside from his Facebook, Rendon’s Tiktok was also disabled due to allegedly repeated violations he committed.


On September 7, Rendon confirmed that his Facebook was also disabled, but he said that he would appeal the decision.

According to him, he was also surprised that he was banned from Facebook.

He also thanked his supporters on social media who were praying for his return.

“Pasensya na sa lahat ng taga supporta natin at kasalukuyan na hindi ako makapaniwala at nagulat sa pag kawala ng aking facebook page,” said Rendon.


“Nag papasalamat ako sa mga taong naniniwala at nagpapadala ng mga mensahe ngayon.

“Pasenya na at paralisado kaming lahat dahil dito sa pangyayari,” he added.

As of writing, Facebook Philippines has yet to give a comment on the issue.


It can be recalled that a campaign formed by It’s Showtime fans to mass report Rendon was launched after the motivational speaker celebrated the decision of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) against the program.

The decision made by Facebook received mixed reaction from the netizens, while some netizens believed that the decision of the social media giant was right, others believed that Rendon should not be de-platformed even if the comments he made in the past were controversial.

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