Pastor accuses of being the mastermind behind the demise of a student in CDO

A Pastor’s name was being dragged on the issue of a student from Cagayan de Oro who was reportedly dispatched by still unknown suspects.

The victim identified as Adriane Rovic Fornillos, 23, an official candidate of Mister Cagayan de Oro met his demise on May 9 in Barangay Nazareth.


According to the report of the authorities, the still unidentified suspect rode a tricab to escape the area.

At first, the authorities believed that the motive of the suspect was related to the pageant, but the family of Adriane was not convinced that someone was ready to end someone’s life just to gain an advantage for a contest.

On August 11, several months after the incident, Pastor Dimver Andales of the Lapasan Baptist Church was named by several netizens as behind the demise of the Fornillos.


Several Facebook posts claimed that the Pastor and the victim’s girlfriend, Jone Orog had an alleged affair for several years already.

The posts also said that the victim and Jane were already planning to get married this year.

Andales even attended the wake of Fornillos to pray for the victim’s soul.


As of writing, the authorities have yet to reveal the name of the suspects behind Fornillos’ demise.

The victim’s family was also not yet released an official statement.

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