Abogado ng TVJ, minaliit ang 10 taong renewal ng TAPE Inc. sa Eat Bulaga trademark: “Kailangan lang mag bayad online”

The lawyer of the legendary trio Tito Sotto, Vic Sotto, and Joey de Leon downplayed the successful 10-year renewal of the Eat Bulaga trademark by the Television and Production Exponents (TAPE) Inc.

In an interview with Inquirer, Atty. Enrique dela Cruz Jr. of DivinaLaw explained the process of the renewal of trademark ownership and insisted that it doesn’t affect the appeal to the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHIL) to cancel the ownership of TAPE on the noontime show’s trademark.


The lawyer claimed that TAPE was only required to pay online and file a declaration of Actual Use to automatically renew their ownership of Eat Bulaga trademark.

According to Dela Cruz, the legal department of IPOPHIL still is still hearing the complaint by TVJ against TAPE.

The lawyer also questioned why TAPE has yet to answer the complaint filed against them by TVJ before the said office.


“Eh pinapa cancel nga namin yan sa hiwalay na kaso. Ang tanong, bakit hindi pa sila sumasagot dun sa kaso na yun. Bakit kailangan magpa extension?” said Dela Cruz.

Meanwhile, Atty. Maggie Abraham-Garduque said that IPOPHL could refuse the renewal of TAPE if they choose to.


“IPO can refuse to renew the registration if it has ground to do so. This means renewal is not ministerial. IPO still has the discretion to renew or not to renew,” she told the Inquirer.


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