Facebook returns Rendon Labador’s video about Vice Ganda after being removed

Motivational Speaker Rendon Labador scored another victory after his video criticizing Vice Ganda and Ion Perez had been reinstated by Facebook.

The said video, which was published on July 26 was removed by Facebook for allegedly not following community standards.


Rendon then quickly complained about Facebook’s decision, calling it unfair.

“Bakit ang mainstream pwede mag post ng kabastusan? Tapos yung pag sita at pag tatama ng mga mali ay pinipigilan? Facebook Philippines ano ang ngyayari sa Pilipinas?” said Rendon.

After several days, the said video had been republished again after a successful appeal from Rendon.

It can be recalled that Rendon went viral on social media after he called out Vice and Ion for their alleged misconduct during the ‘Isip Bata’ segment of It’s Showtime.

Several members of the LGBTQIA+ community criticized Rendon for his remarks, saying that the motivational speaker was spreading a bad impression among marginalized people.


Vice didn’t directly mention Rendon, but he tweeted about someone who was being toxic just to gain the attention of the public.

“Kung anu ano na talaga ang pinapasok at ginagawa ng ilang tao para lang sumikat no? Yung kahit magpakatoxic kakaririn nila basta makaamot lang ng relevance. How pathetic! Ang sad! It’s not mothering!” Vice tweeted.

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