Carlos Agassi clashes with LGBT community after releasing his new single ‘Milk Tea’

Carlos Agassi returned with a bang after quickly becoming controversial after releasing his newest single ‘Milk Tea.’

The said song was quickly criticized by the LGBTQIA+ community because of its lyrics that allegedly made fun of transwomen.


One of the known members of the LGBTQIA+ community, Miss Mela Habijan, quickly called out Carlos and asked him to do something right if he wanted to return from showbiz.

“I understand that you may be trying to revive your showbiz career or at the least, be relevant, but I suggest, do it right!” said Mela, who’s also the first winner of Miss Trans Global.

“The ingredients to how people bounce back in life: real talent, hard work, charisma, and treating people right. Work on these!” she added.

“Ako sumikat ikaw laos na di pa sumisikat huhu iyak yarn, hanap kakampi,” Carlos responded.

The response made by Carlos received criticism from the netizens, calling him ‘childish’ for his way of reacting to Mela’s advice.


“See the effect of going to the gym and too much supplements that your gray matter dried up and natira na lang yung muscles sa biceps. And I didnt know sikat po pala kayo, like when?” netizen @kyusie_addie said.

“Jericho Rosales, Piolo Pascual, and Diether Ocampo would never be this rude,” netizen Daddy Cavill said.

Meanwhile, Carlos explained that his song never meant to criticize the LGBT community but to praise them.


“Milk Tea By Carlos Agassi is supposed to be a romantic comedy song, respecting and supporting all genders especially LGBTQ community which are open minded and would understand and appreciate my point since most of them are talented in the entertainment industry,” he said.

“I explained a hundred times that I interpreted this song has a happy ending. In the music video they kissed after knowing that she is trans,” he added.


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