CBCP to let priests file legal charges against Pura Luka Vega for singing ‘Ama Namin Remix’

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) may possibly file charges against the drag artist Pura Luka Vega who went viral on social media after wearing a Jesus Christ costume while singing a remixed version of the mass song ‘Ama Namin’.


In an interview with CNN Philippines, CBCP’s spokesperson Fr. Jerome Secilliano, called the performance of Vega ‘disrespectful’.

“It is very clear there that some elements of our faith, sacred elements at that, were used for secular purposes, especially for entertainment,” the priest said.

“When I first saw it, I feel disgusted really,” he stated.

He also didn’t buy the alibi made by Vega, who claimed that his performance was also an act of worship.

Secillano also reminded the Catholics to avoid elements of the Church for entertainment like what Vega had done.


Meanwhile, he said that CBCP would allow other priests to file charges against Vega.

 “They are free to do what they want, for example filing a case or whatever,” he said.

In his Facebook post, Secillano also discussed the possible legal charges against Vega.

“Art. 201 of the Revised Penal Code may be applicable,” Secillano said.


The Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code prohibits, “Immoral doctrines, obscene publications and exhibitions, and indecent shows,”


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