Ellen Adarna admits being insecure to Kristine Hermosa: “She is really beautiful”

Ellen Adarna answered the netizen who asked if she had a girl celebrity crush both locally and internationally.

In her Instagram story, the 35-year-old actress revealed that she admired local actress Kristine Hermosa during her youth.


However, aside from admiring Kristine, she also felt insecure that the former Star Magic artist was more beautiful than her.



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She also narrated how she met Kristine for the first time.

According to her, she was caught off guard as she didn’t expect that Kristine was really beautiful, even in person.


“I saw her for the first time 12 years ago. I don’t think she noticed me but she walked in, I was sitting down. it was the first time I saw her. I thought she was pretty sa TV, ‘Yeah pretty.'” she said.

“But when I saw her in person, I was like, ‘What the hell?’ Na-insecure ako. Mas gwapa. [siya sakin] She is really beautiful,” she added.

Ellen was already considered one of the most beautiful actresses in the country, and many people admired her beauty.


That’s why some netizens were surprised that she felt insecure about the beauty of Kristine.


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