Bongga! Bride in Iloilo used onions as bouquet during her wedding

A wedding in Iloilo received thousands of funny reactions online because of the bouquet that the bride used during their special event.

In the photos posted by RR Production showed the wedding of Erwin Nobis and April Lyka Biorrey on January 21.


In an interview, Biorrey said that he got the idea of using onions as bouquet while scrolling on social media.

Photo from RR Productions

According to her, she prefer to use onions because they could use it after the wedding unlike flowers.

”’Yung unang plan kasi namin is stick kami sa original tradition na flowers for entourage. Then, when I was browsing the socmed, my nakita akong bouquet na made from onions with a touch of flowers,” she said.

“I consulted my groom na kung pwede namin yun nalang ang gamitin kasi if flowers, after the wedding pangdisplay nalang at kung malanta itapon nalang din. So why not magsibuyas nalang? Praktikal pa in a way na magagamit din naman after the wedding,” she added.

Photo from RR Productions

It seems that the decision of the bride and groom to use onions was worth it because it gained many reactions on social media.


It can be remembered that the price of onions in the country skyrocketed so many netizens joked that the newlyweds were flexing their finances.


“Best wishes sa mag asawa! May you have layers upon layers of happiness and blessings like the layers of the humble Onion. May at times of “tears” pass thru your love for each other and may the spice of passion never wane. God bless!” netizen Vivo Villahermosa said.

Fortunately the price of onions was already decreasing as the government already made some move to increase the supply of the said basic ingredient.

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