Pekeng balita! Vice Ganda denies that he got rejected by TV5 because of high talent fee

Jose Marie Viceral popularly known as Vice Ganda denied the story about being rejected by TV5 because they asked for a high amount of talent fee.

Viceral was referring to our article written on July 20, titled “Ang mahal! TV5 reportedly rejects Vice Ganda after the comedian’s camp asks 3-M pesos talent fee”


In his tweet, Viceral posted the screenshot of our article, labeling it as “#PekFakeNews”.

Viceral didn’t become specific why our story became fake news, but our website is welcome to take the side of the comedian.


While Viceral denied the news, a report from again said that an “insider” from TV5 confirmed that the management of the comedian talked to the station.

The source confirmed that the negotiation fail because of the amount of talent fee being asked by TV5.


“Sino ba ang nangangailangan kanino ngayon?” the source of said.

In a report of the possible reason why TV5 is not planning to release big money to take popular talents from ABS-CBN because its owner, business tycoon Manny V. Pangilinan already learned his lesson.


Meanwhile, Viceral is going to launch his own network titled Vice Ganda Network.

“Know the latest Vice News, get some Vice Beauty tips, get a chance to win some Vice giveaways, join the fun Vice Games, and get to watch the latest Vice videos. All of these, first and exclusive on VICE GANDA NETWORK.” the statement read.

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