Presidential Spox Harry Roque’s wife wants a delivery driver held liable for what happened to her dog

The wife of Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque called out a logistics platform ‘transportify’ after her dog was accidentally struck by one of their riders.

Mylah Roque addressed Transportify Philippines and narrated how one of their employees ended the life of her 5-month old Siberian Husky named Trebs.


According to her, the rider approached her and quickly insisted that what happened to Trebs was not his fault, claiming that he’s maintaining a low speed before the accident happened.

However, Roque said that it’s really hard to believe the explanation of the rider, saying that her dog was too big to be hit by a slow vehicle.

Mylah Roque’s Facebook page

“He died on the spot. When confronted, the driver’s first remarks to me were, “Oo ako ang driver. Wala akong kasalanan, ang bagal-bagal kong magmaneho.” said Roque.

“The problem is my dog was a husky who was huge at 5-months old. He’s already as high as my waist. No driver driving slow would miss him. My helper was rushing after Trebs and she, along with a few neighbors, saw how fast the driver was going down the slope,” she added.

Roque even claimed that the driver recorded her while she’s grieving for what happened to Trebs.

“A village security guard who came saw the Transportify driver recording me with his cellphone as I was clutching my dead dog. His head was lolling. I had blood all over. I am not a loud person but on this afternoon I knew my cries could be heard all over the neighborhood,” she said.

“It was the guard who told the driver to stop, “ikaw na nga ang naka-agrabiyado, ikaw pa ang nagre-record. Bawal yan.” I did not even know the driver was recording my grief,” she added.


She then asked Transportify to answer her questions.

“I know maintaining a livelihood is especially hard during these times. But I address this question to Transportify. Should my empathy to your driver’s situation absolve him of responsibility? Why was your driver driving so fast in a residential area and at a sloping road at that? What was your driver planning to do with the video of me crying over my dog?”

Mylah Roque’s Facebook page

“My veterinarian friend told me, “Walang kalaban-laban yung aso sa kanya, siya ang may hawak ng manibela.” I cannot have Trebs back. Transportify, I don’t want this kind of harm to happen to another pet, or a human being,”


As a response, Transportify vowed to investigate the rider involved in the accident.

“We deeply regret what has transpired and commit to conducting a thorough investigation. Sanctions will be applied accordingly for any reckless or improper behavior that is discovered,” Transporitfy Philippines wrote.


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