Netizen to Kiko Pangilinan’s nephew Gab Valenciano: “You are nothing but a disgusting noisy clanging cymbals”

A few days ago, Gab Valenciano’s tweet has gone viral on the internet and raised the eyebrows of some government supporters.

In his post, Valenciano warned a certain public official to step down or else people would force him to leave his office.


“There’s corruption, then there’s pure idiocy. It’s one thing to steal our money, another to put your own people at risk. Disappointment isn’t the word. Disgust would be more appropriate. Step down, sir. Or we will do it for you,” Gab who’s the son of singer Gary Valenciano said.

A netizen couldn’t stop himself from writing an open letter to Valenciano criticizing him for allegedly accusing the President of committing corruption.

“Your father is a good Christian professional singer, and you as his son is pretty damned out of tune not in literal music but in the music that flows harmoniously in the human mind’s correct thinking. And you know, this behavior is what called it “idiocy”,” Labra said.

“When did the president steal the people’s money? I am challenging you to make a good exhibit of your proofs and evidence with veracity. You are accusing then it follows that you have your credibility with you and the burden of truth is in you OTHERWISE, let’s go back to music: YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A DISGUSTING NOISY CLANGING CYMBALS that ruined the melody,” he added.


Labra also couldn’t understand why Valenciano believes that the President was putting the people at risk.

“Did the president welcome the virus to inflict his people? Did he help the carriers spread it for us to suffer? If not, then what is he doing? Are you really in your mind as your face tells us that actually you are not!” he stated.

“He is risking our national treasury, realigning the national budget just to have this pestilence stop. He is fighting 24/7 with his cabinet departments and his whole administration is virus underseiged,” he also said.

The netizen then warned Valenciano that the people would force him to go to a mental institution if he tried to support any ouster move against President Rodrigo Duterte.


His post already reached 15,000 shares as of writing.

Source: [1]

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