Atty. Sabio reveals that opposition want President Duterte to be replaced by VP Robredo

The lawyer who filed a complaint against President Rodrigo Duterte to the ICC, and withdrew a few days ago revealed that he was hired by some members of the opposition to help them make Vice President Leni Robredo the chief executive.

At a press conference, Atty. Jude Sabio revealed the plan of the opposition to oust Duterte to give Robredo the presidency.


According to him, until now he was still not being paid for his service for self-confessed DDS member Edgar Matobato, and they also attempted to hire him as the lawyer of Peter Joemel “Bikoy” Advincula.

“They had the gall and temerity to recruit me as lawyer for alias Bikoy in order to achieve their political agenda, which is to undermine and topple President Duterte so that Vice President [Leni] Robredo would become President, and yet earlier for the cases of Matobato, I was the victim of ‘lingla’ or fraud, leaving my professional billing unpaid by them up to now…” said Sabio.

“In my 25 years of practice, trabaho kong maghanap ng hustisya pero wala na akong balak diyan sa kaso na ‘yan kung ang nandiyan pa rin itong sila Trillanes at ang oposisyon na ‘yan. Wala na akong balak diyan kasi nga ang ginagawa nila nakasisira lang sa kasong iyan,” he added.

Sabio said that he’s already done in participating to the plans of the opposition that’s why he decided to withdraw the complaint he filed to the ICC.


“Gumawa sila ng mga kalokohan laban kay Pangulong Duterte at nakita ko na ginagamit lang nila ang kaso sa ICC para sa kanilang politika at ayaw ko nang maging kasali sa ganyang katarantaduhan,” the lawyer said.

Sabio also denied that he was paid by the allies of President Duterte to withdraw the complaint to the ICC.


“I will deny categorically any insinuation that I received any amount for this withdrawal. To tell you honestly, I am not for sale,” he said.

“Puro na lang pera. Kapag mayroon kang ginawa na nakakagimbal laging sinasabi nagkakapera ka. Huwag naman tayong ganiyan. Hindi naman tayo for sale,” he added.

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