Brand new PNR train almost receive damage after some people put solid objects to block the railway

One of the new trains owned by Philippine National Railways (PNR) almost received damage after they discovered that solid objects blocked the rail they’re using.

In a photo posted by the Department of Transporation (DOTr), it showed several solid objects like metal roofing, bamboo sticks, and even a used tire blocking the rail.


Fortunately, the driver of the new train stopped before it reaches the pile of trash that could cause damage to the brand new train.

The photo was taken in Sampaloc Area in Manila.

DOTr Assistant Secretary for Communications Goddes Hope Libiran condemned the said incident saying that they’re already cooperating with the authorities to catch the people behind the sabotaging of train operations.

“We are now closely coordinating with the proper law enforcement authorities to immediately investigate and hold responsible for these hooligans and misfits,” said Libiran.

“The TRAINS are owned by the Filipino people, and we all should do our part in helping their maintenance and upkeep, and help ensure that we protect these infrastructure investments so that the majority of our fellow citizens may enjoy their long term use,” she added.

She also clarified that the newly bought PNR trains were not damaged during the series of stone-throwing incidents recorded from December 2 to 21.


However, they said that one of the new trains by PNR which bought from Indonesia almost received damage after some people blocked the rail with solid objects.

“Fortunately, the new trains from Indonesia were not one of those which were damaged, though there were serious attempts to damage the same by dumping debris along its path,” she said.

Libiran also asked the people for their cooperation and report anyone who’s trying to sabotage the operations of the train.

“As we institute measures to reinforce the protection of public property, we would also like to seek the cooperation of the public to help us in reporting these dangerous misdeeds. Your support and assistance will go a long way in helping us put a stop to this nonsensical activity that only endangers lives and property,” she said


“There is no place in society for these dastardly acts, especially at a time when your government is doing everything it can to provide the riding public with modern transport infrastructure,” she added.

The stone-throwing incident of PNR trains received criticisms from the netizens especially when they got informed that some minors are involved in the incident.

One minor caught even said that they’re throwing stones at trains for “fun”.


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