#YesToABSCBNShutdown trends on Twitter after Duterte’s warning against the media company

Thousands of Twitter users have talked about the possible shutdown of television giant ABS-CBN and expressed their support to it.

A few days after the #NoToABSCBNShutdown became trending, the critics of the TV network made their own thread using the #YesToABSCBNShutdown to express to support the franchise expiration of the said company.


Here’s some of the tweets of the netizens who used the said hashtag.

“Never forget using children in the commercial that spreads black propaganda last national election… and many more,” @viosYubert said.

“If it has legal basis, wala naman atang mali if the franchise wont be renewed. If ur concerns is the employees who would be affected, para nyo na ring sinasabi large companies shouldnt be regulated to protect the interest of its employees. No offense tho,” @IamInevitable3 wrote.

“An ABS-CBN reporter was a subject of funny memes after netizens caught her publishing ”fake news” in Twitter. She became an instant online sensation but for the wrong reason. But then again, what would anyone expect from her and her mother station?” @for__keeps remarked.


Some defenders of ABS-CBN also used the same hashtag to express their support to the network, calling the people who made it viral as “trolls”.

“#YesToABSCBNShutdown Take note of all the trolls that have signed up just to fire up this propaganda on twitter. They know that people on twitter are VEHEMENTLY anti-duterte. Let’s be vigilant and not let what happened to Facebook also happen to Twitter. #NoToABSCBNShutdown” @dreimolero twitted.


A few days ago, President Duterte told ABS-CBN that they should not expect a franchise renewal.

ABS-CBN’s franchise is set to expire in March 2020.

Following Duterte’s statement, the House of Representatives said that they’re not going to talk about the franchise renewal of ABS-CBN this year.

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