“May pondo kayo!” Anti-Corruption Commission asks VP Robredo not to solicit donations for Mindanao quake victims

Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) asked Vice President Leni Robredo to stop soliciting donations from others to help the victims of the Mindanao quake.

According to PACC Spokesman and Commissioner Manuelito Luna, Robredo is making confusion, and the Vice President might face legal and ethical complications.


Luna explained that agencies of the government, like the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Local Government Units (LGUs), non-government organizations, and the Philippine Red Cross are already doing relief operations in the affected areas in Mindanao.

He added that Robredo doesn’t need to ask the others for donations because the Office of the Vice President (OVP) has already a sufficient budget that they could use to help the affected people in Mindanao.

Luna said that if Robredo insisted soliciting, they might ask the Commission on Audit (COA) and the Office of the Ombudsman to investigate the OVP.


A few days ago, Robredo asked her followers on social media to send their relief goods for the Mindanao quake victims to OVP.

They’re asking for drinking water, beddings, hygiene kits, ready to eat food, toys for children.


OVP refused to accept any cash, however, people may give monetary donations through Angat Buhay partner “Kaya Natin! Movement for Good Governance and Ethical Leadership”.


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