Sen. De Lima criticizes Pres. Duterte: akala nila isa kang Mesaya, yun pala ay may sayad!

Detained Senator Leila De Lima criticized President Rodrigo DUterte after the latter offered Vice President Leni Robredo of leading the law enforcement in the country for six months.

In a press release on Tuesday, De Lima called the offer of Duterte “senseless” and only appealed his “fanatic fanbase”.


De Lima challenged the President to give all his power to the Vice President instead of just giving her the lead in law enforcement.

“Of course, the proposal has a basis in law and the Constitution, but Duterte must first relinquish his post entirely to VP Robredo, who will then be Acting President throughout the over-acting phase of Duterte’s spoiled brat persona, and not only take over law enforcement functions,” De Lima said.

“So I throwback Duterte’s challenge at him. Follow the Constitution. Transmit to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives your written declaration that you are unable to discharge the powers and duties of your office, and let VP Robredo take over. That is the only manly way to stay true to your challenge to VP Robredo to fix what you have not been able to fix the past three years of your miserable term,” he added.

The lady Senator also said that Duterte should be the one solving the problem because he promised to solve it.

“But that is precisely the problem is it not, Mr. President? First, you are not serious about your challenge to VP Robredo to take over for 6 months. It was only made as “pa-andar” to your remaining fanatical base of mindless sycophants. Second, Hello! You were the one who promised to solve every problem of this nation that existed since the 19th century in the span of six months. You failed,” she said.


“And now you mock VP Robredo when you were the one who bragged everything is solvable with the 6-month Duterte formula of wishing that things would just fix themselves by the sheer power of your jokes and ramblings,” she added.

“Niloko mo mga tao na six months solb lahat ng problema. Ngayon hinahamon mo si VP Leni na gawin ang hindi mo nagawa? Sino ba ang nangako sa taumbayan na ayusin ang Pilipinas sa loob ng anim na buwan? Okay lang naman sa amin kahit mag-resign ka na lang.” she also said.

She called the President arrogant and crazy for putting his responsibilities to Robredo.

“But to challenge VP Robredo to succeed where you failed? Aba, wala sa usapan yan. Kasalanan ba ni VP Robredo kung saksakan ka ng yabang? Eh ang totoo pala ay wala ka naman palang lakas o kakayahan para tuparin ang iyong salita. Sinungaling ka, Mr. Duterte. Niloko mo ang 16 milyon na bumoto sa iyo. Pinapaniwala mo sila na ang kanilang binoto ay isang Mesaya, yun pala ay may sayad.” she said.


President Duterte made an offer to VP Robredo to lead the law enforcement for six months so the latter can prove that her suggestions are better than the current style of the administration.


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