Leah Navarro reacts on Duterte’s motorcycle fall: “Walang traffic, sumemplang parin!”

Artist Leah Navarro makes fun of President Rodrigo Duterte after the latter fell off his motorcycle yesterday at Presidential Security Group (PSG) compound in Malacanang.

In a series of tweets, Navarro took a swipe against the President, questioning why Duterte is not wearing a helmet during his motorcycle ride.


According to Navarro, the President should be punished for not wearing a helmet or protective clothing.

“No helmet or protective clothing. Officer!” Leah Navarro said.

She even questioned the legitimacy of the story by Malacanang about President Duterte’s motorcycle incident.

“Can’t reach for your shoe while riding a motorcycle. Did he actually faint or lose consciousness while walking? Are the injuries so noticeable that they need to concoct a story to make him look like a daredevil?” Navarro said.

In her last tweet, Navarro even called Duterte unintelligent for crashing his motorcycle even without any traffic.

“Walang traffic, sumemplang pa rin. T**ga,” she wrote.


What happened to President Duterte was shared by Senator Christopher “Bong” Go to the media, saying that he was also worried at the chief executive’s condition.

“Sumemplang sa motor si PRRD (President Rodrigo Roa Duterte) kagabi habang nagmo-motor…Sa PSG compound,” Go told reporters

“Meron po siyang motor, sabi niya matagal na niya itong gustong sakyan, alam niyo bilang rider po, nami-miss na rin po ng ating Pangulo na masakay ng motor, pinagbabawal po siya ng PSG lumabas dahil for security reasons, kaya sinubukan, iikot ikot siya diyan sa compound ng PSG” he addded.

However, Malacanang already told the public that the President is okay and just resting.


“I would like to assure the nation that the President is safe, in good hands and in good health,” Presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo said.

It’s not yet known when the President is going to appear in public again.

Duterte is known for being a motorcycle rider but temporarily stopped his hobby after being elected as President because of security reasons.

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