Mayor Isko Moreno says that he’s not seeking a higher position in 2022: “Maawa kayo sa akin, wag niyo kong ipakain sa buwaya”

Mayor Isko Moreno said that he’s planning to stay in Manila City for ten years because he wanted to complete the long term plan for the Manilenyos.

In an interview at the Senate Building, Moreno said that he’s not planning to run for a higher position in the 2022 Presidential Election, asking the people to have mercy on him.


Because of his popularity, Moreno has been eyed by some netizens as one of the strongest candidates for the Presidency in 2022.

However, the Mayor said that he would focus on Manila first in three consecutive terms to fulfill his long term plan.

“May awa ang Diyos, in the next 10 years… our goal is 10 years not three years ha, yung mga nag po-post sa Facebook na three years ay may mangyayari na sa akin… maawa kayo sa akin, h’wag niyo akong ipakain sa buwaya,” Moreno told the press.

“One way or another, I owe it to Manila and I think masyado na kaming napag iiwanan. I’m just starting kaya h’wag po kayong mag iisip ng kahit ano pa man about what’s going on in Manila is because there is something going to happen in 2022… No please, tigilan niyo na yun,” he added.


Moreno when asked the media also said that he’s not yet satisfied with what he did in Manila because he’s only managing the City for 1 month and 7 days, still too far from his goal of 10 years of being the Mayor.

“Malayo pa sa katotohanan, nagsisimula palang kami,” he said.

In another interview, Moreno said that his 10-year plan was focused on tourism, traffic, and health.


Hindi ‘yan ikinaila sa mga taga-Maynila… pinaliwanag ko sa tao, ‘Wag ho kayong maiinip ha. Sampung taon ho ito mangyayari,’” Moreno said.

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