Senator Dela Rosa wants substance misuse prevention to be teach to Grade 4 students and above

Senator Ronald Dela Rosa wanted to teach the students starting from elementary level on how to avoid substance misuse.

According to Dela Rosa, the introduction of substance misuse prevention in the K-12 is not enough to stop the child from the possibility of being hooked to an addictive substance.


“Currently, the K-to-12 curriculum introduces substance misuse prevention in the 9th Grade, which ideally are teenagers aged 15 years old. This introduction, at this stage of formative years, might be too late. They might have been introduced and have started using and abusing an illegal substance,” Dela Rosa said

“Any efforts of educating them regarding the perils of substance misuse will no longer be of value,” he added.

The PNP General-turned-Senator also explained that children from the elementary level have a high risk of being experimental, and others could easily influence them.


“Adolescence is the period where individuals try to be more experimental and start using an illegal substance. As such, education about drugs and other illegal substances and its harmful effects should start before the teenage years,” the senator said.

Bato during the campaign period vowed to continue the fight he started when he was still the leader of PNP.



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