Foreign Affairs Sec. Locsin on VP Robredo’s recent statements : “Please do her the kindness to give her a brain!”

Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary Teddy Locsin Jr. couldn’t stop himself from criticizing Vice President Leni Robredo after the latter warns over their plan to cancel the diplomatic passports of former officials of the government, including former Sec. Albert Del Rosario.

In a statement, Robredo said that the timing of the decision of the government is bad because they decided it in the wake of Del Rosario’s denial of entry in Hong Kong despite using a diplomatic passport.


As response Locsin Jr. on a Tweet called the second highest ranking official a “boba”, saying that he included the other government officials in his decision because he doesn’t want to make it look that they’re only imposing their new policy because of Del Rosario.

“Robredo warns against cancellation of diplomatic passports of former gov’t officials HEY, BOBA, THAT IS PRECISELY WHY I HAVE ORDERED THE CANCELLATION OF ALL COURTESY DIPLOMATIC PASSPORTS BECAUSE I REFUSE TO SINGLE OUT DEL ROSARIO,” Locsin told Robredo

“Will someone please do her the kindness to give her a brain? Here I am trying to do what’s right, which is to restrict diplomatic passports to real existing working diplomats so as not to devalue them abroad—and not pass them out as favors to retirees & friends,” he added.

Locsin even told Robredo that she should ask him if she wanted to learn more about the new decision of the government over diplomatic passports.


“I don’t mean to be disrespectful Ma’am. You are just a missing heartbeat away from the Presidency. I respect you for that accident of fortune. But there are things that require a measure of study & thought. Please ask me next time. At your service, Ma’am.” Locsin said.

It seems that Locsin was only carried away, apologizing to what he Twitted an hour ago.


Robredo is not yet giving any comments on Locsin’s tweet against her.


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