Rodel Jayme to face multiple charges including Inciting to Sedition and Child Abuse

The Department of Justice said on Thursday that Rodel Jayme, the man who allegedly connected to “Totoong Narco-list” video would face multiple charges.

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) took Jayme after they served a search warrant against the alleged website owner of Metro Balita which one of the sites that first shared the video of alias “Bikoy.” accusing the presidential family of receiving money from illegal businesses.

In a press conference, Guevarra said that Jayme would be charged with Inciting to Sedition, Cyber Libel and other lawsuits for involving Veronica “Kitty” Duterte in the controversial video.


DOJ also said that Jayme might face additional charges, depending on the final results of their investigation.

People who are guilty of inciting to sedition would be confined for six years with a fine of not exceeding P2,000.


Despite the charges filed against Jayme, DOJ is still not sure if Bikoy and the former is the same person.

The camp of Jayme is still not giving a statement as of writing.



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