Senator to sue a critic who spread fake news about President Duterte’s condition

Correction: We apologize for writing that the subject of the article, Ray Abad is a supporter of Vice President Leni Robredo.

During our checking, we found that Abad is not a ‘well-known supporter’ of the Vice President but only a critic of the current administration.


We apologize for the wrong information we wrote, and we already corrected the article. Thank you for the hardworking fact-checkers for pointing out the mistakes.

Senator Koko Pimentel will file a case against a critic of the current administration after he was linked by the latter on the spreading hoax about President Rodrigo Duterte who’s gone in public for almost three days.

On February 1, President Duterte skipped an event in Palo, Leyte after he felt unwell and gone missing in the public eye since the said event.

The disappearance of Duterte gave another speculation among the critics of the President and their supporter including netizen Ray Abad who claimed that the chief executive already passed away.

Abad even suggested increasing the security personnel of Vice President Leni Robredo as preparation for transferring the presidential power to her.

According to Abad, he got the information from the camp of Sen. Pimentel.

Security is a must for VP Leni, ayon sa bulung bulungan na nakalabas sa kampo ni Koko (Pimentel) Patay na raw si Digong.” Abad said in his post.

The post, which already deleted by Abad gained many reactions and it even reached Senator Pimentel itself.


In an official statement, Pimentel said that they’re planning to file charges against Abad for linking him in the fake news that he’s spreading.

“I disown this fake news posted by a certain impostor on facebook. Cyber-libel is a serious crime and will be reported to the proper authorities. We shall not tolerate such name dragging and it shall be punished to the full extent of the law.” Pimentel said.

Yesterday, the rumors about Duterte’s condition were debunked after Honeylet Avacena, the partner of the chief executive posted a live video of the President addressing the critics of the government who’s wishing for his passing.

“My reaction to my passing away. I will ask God first if I…if he’s available for interview kasi pupunta na ako dun (because I’m going there),” Duterte said in the video uploaded past 4 p.m.


“Ano mga mensahe ninyo? Dadalhin ko. Pari, obispo, lahat. And yung last wish ng mga durugista, ilista ninyo. Ako na ang magdala doon sa langit o sa impiyerno. Depende lang,” he added.

“For those who believe in the news that I passed away, then I request of you, please pray for the eternal repose of my soul. Thank you,” Duterte said.


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