Captain’s Peak sa Chocolate Hills, ikinalungkot ang pambabatikos na kanilang natanggap: “We received necessary approvals”

The controversial resort built in Chocolate Hills was saddened by the backlash it received from the netizens.


In an official statement, The Captain’s Peak Garden and Resort, which went viral on March 13 after receiving complaints from the netizens and environmental groups insisted that the construction of their business around Chocolate Hills was legal.

“It is important to clarify that our construction plans underwent rigorous scrutiny and received the necessary approvals from relevant authorities, including the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). We have complied with all environmental regulations and have taken measures to minimize our ecological footprint throughout the development process,” the resort management wrote.

“We acknowledge the significance of the Chocolate Hills as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and recognize our responsibility to safeguard its integrity. We assure the public that our operations are conducted with utmost care and consideration for the environment,” they added.

The management said that they were open to dialogues to discuss the issues they needed to resolve.


Captain’s Peak has already announced its temporary closure on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, DENR said they already issued a Temporary Closure Order on September 6, 2023, against the resort.


“In the case of the Captain’s Peak Resort, the DENR issued a Temporary Closure Order last September 6, 2023, and a Notice of Violation to the project proponent last January 22, 2024, for operating without an ECC,” DENR wrote.

“As of March 13, 2024, the Regional Executive Director Paquito D. Melicor issued a Memorandum directing PENRO Bohol Ariel Rica to create a team to conduct an inspection at Captain’s Peak for its compliance with the Temporary Closure Order,” they added.

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