‘Di afford ni Dom?’ Bea Alonzo wants the wedding with Dominic Roque as grandiose

Bea Alonzo reportedly didn’t have the same vision as her ex-boyfriend, Dominic Roque, on their wedding plans, which allegedly became the reason why their relationship fell.

According to Ogie Diaz, Bea wanted a grandiose wedding, which Dominic opposed.


The talent manager said Dominic wanted a simple wedding and only sent invitations to selected friends, while Bea wanted it to be luxurious.

Dominic also reportedly suggested that he wants to choose successful couples as their wedding Godparents.


“Gusto raw ni Bea, magarbo, marangya, gano’n. Eh si Dominic daw, gusto niya pili lang mga invited nila, ‘yong talagang mahahalaga lang sa buhay nila talaga. ‘Yong naging bahagi ng kanilang journey. ‘Yong mga dinaanan nilang mga tao bago sila makasal,” said Ogie.

“Gusto namin maging ninong at ninang eh ‘yong mga successful ang married life, para kapag nagkaroon kami ng misunderstanding, miscommunication, or away, eh ang malalapitan namin ‘yong mga ninong at ninang namin na through the years, sa kabila ng mga unos na dumating sa kanila, eh sila pa rin,” he added.


As of writing, Bea has yet to confirm her initial plan on her cancelled wedding with Dominic.

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