TAPE Inc. walang balak na baguhin ang title ng Eat Bulaga kahit na wala na silang trademark

Television and Production Exponents (TAPE) Inc. was not planning to change the title of their GMA noontime show despite the decision made by the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL).

It can be recalled that on November 5, IPOPHL removed the trademark ownership of TAPE Inc. over the Eat Bulaga title and logo and quickly rejected the company’s appeal.


According to TAPE’s lawyer, Atty. Maggie Garduque, they would still exhaust all legal options before deciding the fate of the Kapuso noontime show’s title.

Garduque said that it would be considered ‘moot and academic’ if they finally gave up the title Eat Bulaga without even exploring other legal options.

“As confirmed by the statement released by IPO today, TAPE has a period of 15 days to appeal the decision of the adjudication officer to the Director of the BLA-IPO. Then, appealed decisions may still be appealed to the Director General of IPO within 30 days,” Garduque said.


Even Eat Bulaga host Paolo Contis believed that the legal battle between TAPE Inc. and TVJ Production was still far from over.


“Mga Kapuso, mahaba pa po ang laban. Ibig sabihin, legally, wala pang final. Okay?” he said.

Meanwhile, TVJ’s camp was confident that they would win all their complaints against TAPE Inc.

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