Dr. Tyler Bigenho sa pagkalat ng kanyang pribadong video sa Pilipinas: “Don’t feel safe”

Celebrity Chiropractor Dr. Tyler Bigenho addressed the spread of his private video on social media, which quickly spread in the Philippine webspace.

In his video, the doctor said that due to the spread of the video, he was subjected to blackmailing and negative messages from the netizens.


“Over the past week I have been the victim of blackmail and extortion over social media, and it’s been probably the worst week of my life. And I wanna thank everybody who knows about the situation, who has reached out and offered words of support and encouragement, I really appreciate you, thank you so much,” said Tyler.

“It’s really hard and I’ve never gone through like this before, I can’t say much more than that, because there are high-level authorities involved in this case…” he added.

Tyler also said that he would cancel his visit to the Philippines due to the unsafeness of his situation.


“Might have to cancel my trip to the Philippines in March 2024. Don’t feel safe,” he said.


As of writing, the said video was still circulating on social media, but the doctor has yet to give any of his plans on how would he handle the situation.

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